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  • omar44831

How effective is coaching over Zoom?

Updated: Apr 6

If we can cast our memories back to pre-2020, video calls were the exception, not the rule. Today it is the standard which brings many commercial benefits to our way of working. the value that this technology has introduced to the recruitment industry alone is enormous.

There are so many benefits, but challenges too.

Zoom, Teams, Googlemeet… whatever your flavour is, it is here to stay. So why bother with offices many say. Other than the company quarterly get-together, why ever bother sitting in the same room? Perhaps for some organisations or teams, this works well.

But what impact does it have on growth…

In our experience, effective leadership and management are the cornerstone of business growth, so naturally, a great deal of BlueInk’ s work is conducted alongside recruitment business owners, boards, and senior teams.

Culture lives within strategy and informs required leadership behaviours, when implemented correctly it’s a powerful instrument for success. However, when underdeveloped it will hinder growth potential, at times bringing it to a slow crawl. Regardless of how insightful growth ambitions are, in our opinion none of them can be realised effectively unless ‘people’ are fully equipped to execute - It all starts with attitude.

Coaching is an Impactful and accelerated method of developing talent, at all levels. It’s far reaching, runs deep. The magic that takes place when coaching works, will illuminate the darkest cavern, it’s a seminal take away.

In our experience, the value contribution to both individual and business is simply so much more impactful when delivered face to face. In some instances, a blend of video and face to face is also effective, but 100% virtual coaching will inevitably dilute the value. Amongst other things, the interplay of chemistry and dynamics generated between humans breathing the same air is a crucial ingredient to truly maximise the utter power of coaching.

Placing a computer screen between the coach and coachee, does not serve the objective.

It's important to avoid confusing coaching with any other Intervention, such as mentoring.

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